L1 visa business plan: this is an essential component of applying for your L1 visa. But if you are looking to live and work in the United States, you need to be sure you are applying for the right visa. A mistake at this stage could have serious repercussions for you and your business.
The L1 visa is designed to allow companies who operate both in the United States and abroad to transfer employees to the US from foreign bases. The transfer only applies to certain classes of employees and lasts for up to seven years. The employee in question must have worked for the company for at least one year out of the previous three years. They must also be either a manager or executive, or a member staff with specialist knowledge. Proof of status in either category is required as part of the L1 business plan. If the person in question has previously worked in the United States under a L1 visa, they must have been employed outside of the USA for a minimum of a year before they can make a new application. If this doesn’t cover your reasons for wanting to apply for a work visa, then you will need to look again at the different types of visas that are available before starting your immigration business plan. Given the complexity of the subject, and the host of consequences that may arise if you get the visa process wrong, it is best to contact a professional who can work through the details with you to ensure that you get it right first time.
If you are looking for a professional to help you with your L1 visa business plan, or to guide you through the minefield of different work visas, then look no further than Immigration Business Plan. At https://www.immigrationbusinessplan.com/, you will find a wealth of information to get you started. For more information on how we can help you, email info@ImmigrationBusinessPlan.com.
Immigration Business Plan
1979 Marcus Avenue #210
New Hyde Park, New York 11042
Phone: +1 (888) 278 7775
Int: +1 (646) 612 7572
Email: info@ImmigrationBusinessPlan.com
Skype ID: ImmigrationBusinessPlan