Business plan E2 problems are very common. When it comes to immigrating to the United States, there are a lot of hazards and pitfalls that every foreign investor should be aware of. In this guide, we’re going to list some of the main problems you might face with your application.
When it comes to the E2 visa, you have to be coming to the country to make an active investment. A passive investment would be one where, for example, you act as the shareholder but do not perform any day-to-day activities. For example, if you buy a complex of apartments, you may hire a building superintendent (or ‘super’) to manage the day-to-day activities. This would be a passive investment and your E2 application would be turned down. You have to be active within your business. There’s also a chance that your investment is considered too marginal. Even if your business turns a profit, you must still show that you have enough money to support you and your family’s stay in the United States. Finally, there can be the problem of overextending your finances. You must show that your money is your own and you cannot, for example, part-buy premises and then use those premises as collateral. In all of these cases, it’s important that you make sure you discuss your application with the right people. This will include an immigration attorney and also an immigration business plan writer. Your E2 visa business plan must demonstrate all of the above.
At Immigration Business Plan, we will work with you to create a professional business plan E2. This plan will ensure that your visa application ticks all the boxes required by the immigration services. To find out more, visit, call us today on +1 (646) 612 7572 or send us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Immigration Business Plan
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New Hyde Park, New York 11042
Phone: +1 (888) 278 7775
Int: +1 (646) 612 7572
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