E 2 visa business plan sample is a very common search term when it comes to those applying through the E2 visa application system. However, there are a number of other concerns for those looking to set up business in the United States.
One such area is employment. Unlike the EB5 visa, which requires that you hire at least ten employees for your business, the E2 visa does not require that your business employs a set amount of people. However, despite this, the investor must be coming to the country in order to develop the business – and this includes directing business through its employees. This means that the investor should not be the sole provider of services. Also, a crucial factor that must be present in your immigration business plan is that you must show that you intend to contribute to the local economy – and this is done through the employment of local workers. This can be a crucial determinant in whether or not your business is a marginal one and, therefore, whether it is applicable or not applicable for an E2 visa. Contractors can also count towards this – meaning that you will still be contributing to the local community (as in the case of a construction company, for instance). Employment is just as important as profit. Even if your business is low profit, demonstrating that you intend to employ – or contract – a lot of people can be a crucial factor in whether you receive your E2 visa. All of these things must be demonstrated in your E2 visa business plan.An E 2 visa business plan sample is, therefore, crucial to your application. It’s your chance to plead the case for your business. At Immigration Business Plan, our expertise will help you take that opportunity with both hands. Contact us today on +1 (646) 612 7572, email us via info@immigrationbusinessplan.com or visit https://www.immigrationbusinessplan.com/.
Immigration Business Plan
1979 Marcus Avenue #210
New Hyde Park, New York 11042
Phone: +1 (888) 278 7775
Int: +1 (646) 612 7572
Email: info@ImmigrationBusinessPlan.com
Skype ID: ImmigrationBusinessPlan