E 2 business plan proposal ideas are probably what you’re looking for when you’ve found this page. You’re probably wondering about what you need to get an E-2 visa, right? In this article, we’re going to give you a basic overview of everything you need to ensure your E2 application has a strong chance of succeeding.
First, you must come from a treaty country. This means that the country you’re currently a citizen of has to have an agreement in place with the US. Don’t worry: many of the world’s major nations are on the list. You must also be bringing substantial investment into a new business – or an existing business – with the purpose of generating profit. Additionally, you have to be active within the business – you can’t speculate with your investment in the hope that you can sell it on for a profit. Next, it cannot be marginal – you have to have enough money for you and your dependents to live off of, or be making a substantial contribution to the economy. Moreover, you have to guarantee that the investment funds you are bringing into the country are in your possession and will be committed to that business. You also have to detail the source of that funding as well. And finally, you must be coming to develop and direct the business by owning at least 50% of the enterprise. You are required to demonstrate all of this in an immigration business plan, called an E2 visa business plan.
So how can you ensure that all of these things are adequately explained to those making your E2 visa decision? Simple: you hire an E 2 business plan writer specialist. At Immigration Business Plan, we provide these services specifically for those immigrating to the US for business purposes. Visit our website at https://www.immigrationbusinessplan.com/, email us via info@immigrationbusinessplan.com or phone us on +1 (646) 612 7572 for more information.
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